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45th State Junior Championships

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

Over the weekend, the 45th State Junior Championships took place at Gilbert Fraser Reserve in North Fremantle.

Boys and girls aged between 11 and 16 years, from all over Western Australia, came together to compete for Junior Firefighter of the Year and Brigade of the Year on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 November.

State Junior Championship Teams

This year thirteen teams participated:

  • Albany Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service

  • Brunswick Junction Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service

  • Coolgardie Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service

  • Esperance Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service

  • Geraldton Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service

  • Harvey Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service

  • Kambalda Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service

  • Kellerberrin Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service

  • Mandurah Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service

  • North Kalgoorlie Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service

  • Northam Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service

  • Roleystone Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service

  • Southern Cross Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service

Results of the 2022 State Junior Championships

In our eyes, all the boys and girls are winners - they cheered loudly and all showed strong support for each other. Even when the overall competition came down to the wire. Some team members from Harvey even joined Albany so they could participate in some of the race events. All the children tried their very best, had a great positive attitude and were very respectful and considerate of of the volunteers, coaches and parents helping to run the event. We couldn't be more proud.

Find below a summary of the weekend's results.

State Junior Champion Brigade of the Year

Congratulations to Harvey Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service who were the overall winners of the 45th State Junior Championships. Followed by Kambalda 1 and North Kalgoorlie 1.

The Sub-Junior (the younger age group) winning brigade was Kambalda 1, followed by North Kalgoorlie 1 and Kambalda 2.

State Junior Champion Firefighter of the Year

The State Junior Championship Firefighter of the Year was awarded to Brodie Hewer from Harvey. Followed by Michael Wanoa-Katene from Kambalda and Devon Willoughby from Esperance.

The State Sub-Junior Championship Firefighter is Quade St Jack from Kambalda.

Followed by Jett Carman. There was a tie for third place between Toa Rupuha-Pratley and Tawhiri Rapihana. All runner ups are from Kambalda.

New Records

Two records were broken over the weekend:

  • Harvey improved on their old record of 10.32 seconds in the Junior Wet Hose Event for Two Competitors by one second!

  • Kalmbalda 1 smashed the old record of 20.51 seconds in the Sub-Juniors Gordon Franklin Wet Hose Double Disc Event by finishing in 19.97 seconds!

Best Marching Team

Coach David Burgoyne couldn't haven't been more proud of the team from Brunswick Junction being given the Marching Award. After each training session, the team would practice marching as their way of cooling down.

Full Results

Read the full results and times achieved for each race event here:

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the weekend!

The weekend wouldn't be a success if it wasn't for all the volunteers who give their time up in the lead up to and during the event.

A massive thank you to all of the judges who assisted. We couldn't hold a Championships without you. Thanks also to those who check timed for us.

Special shout outs to the "Clans":

The "Kalgoorlie Clan" - TK Kippen, Tate Anderson, Dan Lawson and Ross McKenzie. Special thanks to Rossco for taking care of the trophies.

The "Bunbury Clan" - Captain John Kowal, competition coach Nathan Loton and their 4 offsiders, even without a team competing you came up and helped out all weekend. It was a great example of the competition family helping each other out.

The "Harvey Clan" - Captain Scott Britza, former Captain Jim Britza, Paul Wellington, Cosi Panetta and our always amazing property officer (unofficially now though), Tim Egerton-Green. Your continuing support is indeed appreciated.

The "Mandurah Clan" - the Luff family made up of Murray and Joshua on the track, Kerry in the timing stand and a huge thank you to Jess for helping out Noel Plowman from Roleystone, Nathan "Sticks" Mathews and the seemingly tireless Peter Flentjar for our timing equipment. We don't thank you enough Pete and our competitions couldn't run without you.

To the Executive members who came and helped out - President Paul du Boulay, Vice President Trevor Jones and Kalgoorlie Captain Paul Munro on the track, Vice President Robert Papalia in the timing stand, Competition Committee Chairperson Tony Dodd and Rod Diery from Kulin as general handyman and Mr Fix-It - thank you to all of you for your work both on and off the track.

To Peter Newby and Les James - thank you both for your ongoing attendance and assistance, a Championships wouldn't be the same without Pete's voice over the PA and those gates don't put themselves up!

To our "Technical Support" - Russell Hounslow and Ben Sowden - who worked on our live feed via YouTube; looking forward to seeing your plans come to fruition at Easter in 2023 and again at the 2023 Juniors.

To Junior Reserve Committee President Phil Scott and JRC Vice President Dave Fox - thank you for your ongoing support.

To ex-VFRSA executive officer Max Osborn for running around all over Perth in the lead up to the event, for always being on hand and being supportive.

To Jodie Breese and Simon Hurst from Toodyay Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service and their kids Ollie and Mackenzie for helping out in the merchandise tent. We cracked a new sales record (thanks of course to all the parents and kids for buying our merchandise)!

Thanks to Tarlisha O'Donnell and all the others who took happy snaps and videos throughout the weekend and took the time to send them through for us to use on our socials, website and for public relations.

These are just a few of the people who made our Championships such a success. Without all of you from everybody who came and watched, helped out or competed, our competitions wouldn't be what they are.

Would your brigade be interested in forming a Juniors or Seniors team?

Contact Jodie, our competition co-ordinator at to find out how to become involved.


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