Volunteer Welfare Fund: A Guide for Captains & Secretaries
How do I help my brigade member apply for the Volunteer Welfare Fund?
The application for the Volunteer Welfare Fund is completed by the brigade captain and secretary in collaboration with and / or on behalf of the VFRS member requiring the financial assistance.
Please find below information about Volunteer Welfare Fund application process to assist you in preparing a Volunteer Welfare Fund application for a member of your brigade.
Please treat the application in the strictest confidence.
To begin the process, please complete the following form. The Association's executive officer will then contact you with a unique reference number and provide you with a copy of the application and supporting documentation that is required for completion before a claim can be assessed.
The application they should include:
Volunteer Welfare Fund Application Form
Letter and Supporting Documentation
Personal Budget Calculator
Consent Form
Please refer to each section below for further information.
Volunteer Welfare Fund Application Form
The application form is a three-page document where full details of the applicant and the circumstances of the claim can be completed.
Particulars of the case should be clearly described to enable the Volunteer Welfare Fund committee to make an informed and fair decision.
Letter and Supporting Documentation
The Volunteer Welfare Fund committee make their decision based on the information supplied, therefore as much information as possible should be presented to explain the applicant's circumstance and the assistance sought.
In addition to the application form, please include a letter describing:
Why funds are being sought
A summary of funds requested including justification (optional)
Details of any funding you have received from the Fund or other funds in the past
Any other details that may verify your financial situation such as:
medical certificates
bank statements
witness reports and so on.
Personal Budget Calculator
The personal budget calculator may assist your brigade member to develop a forward plan for their personal financial circumstances.
The personal budget calculator is provided to assist the member applying for financial assistance through the Volunteer Welfare Fund, and with help from the brigade (if requested), plan for the future.
The completed personal budget calculator submitted with the application form will assist the Volunteer Welfare Fund committee to form a decision.
The personal budget calculator can be downloaded here.
Consent Form
Along with the application form, supporting documentation and personal budget calculator [hyperlink], consent of other persons identified within the application should be included in the submission.
Rob – can you please provide more information about what is required / examples?
Application Verification
Completed applications including the supporting documentation, personal budget calculator and consent form are to be verified and signed by both the captain the brigade’s secretary. This takes place on the second page of the application form [hyperlink?].
Where the claim is in the name of the brigade captain or secretary, another officer of the brigade will be required to verify and sign the application.
Verified applications along with all supporting documentation are to be forwarded to the Volunteer Welfare Fund committee – [attention to who / which email address / postal address?]
Where the claim is in the name of the brigade’s secretary another officer of the brigade may submit the application on the brigade secretary’s behalf.
What happens next?
The Volunteer Welfare Fund committee will review the application and may ask for further information from the brigade captain or secretary to assist them with assessing the application.
The committee will assess the application to determine whether it fits the purposes of the Volunteer Welfare Fund. It reserves the discretion to decline to grant payment and it is the policy of the Volunteer Welfare Fund not to provide reasons for declining an application.
Please note: The Volunteer Welfare Fund committee may from time to time modify the procedure required of applicants to follow.
If personal information relates to another person it must only be provided if the consent of that person has been obtained.
If supplied documents are to be returned, please include a self-addressed envelope for return of the items.
How long will it take for the application to be assessed by the Volunteer Welfare Fund committee?
What is the answer? And how does the applicant find out – by email, letter or telephone call?
If the application is successful, where are the funds paid to?
If granted, the funds will be paid to the brigade for distribution to the individual, or in special circumstances, directly to organisations requiring payment. For example, to the utility companies to prevent electricity or gas disconnections. An acquittal form will need to be completed by the brigade and emailed [hyperlink - need to know whose email address to attach] to the Volunteer Welfare Fund.
Do you have any questions?
Should you have any questions regarding completing the application and / or supporting your brigade member, please contact Max??
We treat all applications in the strictest confidence and will endeavour to process the application as quickly as possible.
Who is on the Welfare Fund Committee?
[The information I have is as follows. Could you please provide me with an update?]
Chairperson: Ron Wingate
Welfare Officer: Max Osborn AFSM
Committee members: Paul du Boulay
Robert Papalia AFSM
Andrew Munro
Do you have any questions?
If you have any questions, please contact Max Osborn, the Association’s Welfare Officer, on 0448 489 046 or by email at welfare@vfrs.asn.au.

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