Become a Volunteer

Thinking about joining a VFRS Brigade?
The Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service of Western Australia (VFRS) is dedicated to serving the Western Australian community in fire prevention, fire suppression, emergency rescue and hazardous materials response.
Your commitment to becoming a volunteer firefighter is greatly appreciated by the community and your fellow team members. As a volunteer firefighter, you will gain satisfaction and personal rewards through developing skills that will assist you in all facets of emergency operations and prevention risk management.
There is also the option of becoming a volunteer support member. Depending upon the requirements of your local Brigade, you may be able to volunteer by providing support assistance with equipment, radio monitoring, administration and catering to other members of the brigade.
Criteria for membership
To be a members of a VFRS brigade, you need to be:
In good health and of sound body and mind;
Of good moral character and habits;
Over the age of 17 years (except in the case of a junior member); and
Prepared to undertake a Police Check.
New members are enrolled as probationary volunteer firefighters and after serving three months satisfactory service, may be recommended by the Brigade’s captain for transfer to the active member status when a vacancy appears.
Want to find out more?
Please complete the form below and you will then be taken to the DFES Recruitment website where you will discover more about how to become a volunteer firefighter with the Fire and Rescue Service.

As Volunteer Firefighters we do WHAT We Can, WHEN We Can, WHERE We Can, To The VERY BEST of Our Ability.