VFRS Member Info
Access our VFRS members area
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services of Western Australia (VFRS) active or support members who create an account with us will be given secure log in access to our members area.
The additional information you will have access to includes:
VFRSA policies and procedures
VFRSA Zone Representatives contact details
History of merchandise orders
Various forms
Links to additional resources
Minutes of Meetings
And much more…
Register to login
Register by clicking the ‘Sign Up Now’ icon below and complete the form by providing your:
DFES volunteer number
The brigade you volunteer at
Your Captain’s name
Your email address
Create a login password.
An email will be sent to you once we have been able to verify your details within two working days.
Accessing VFRS members information
Once you received an email confirming your details have been verified, you can log in by clicking the VFRS Log In icon located at the top right-hand corner of our website.
Once you are logged in, the website will visually remain the same except where you clicked to log in on the right hand side of the top menu bar, there will be a drop down box where you can access additional information relevant to you and your brigade.
Have a question?
If you have any questions or if there is other information you would like to see added to the VFRS members area, please contact media@vfrs.asn.au.

As Volunteer Firefighters we do WHAT We Can, WHEN We Can, WHERE We Can, To The VERY BEST of Our Ability.