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Need to hold your AGM but not sure on the specifics?

Here is a short guide on holding an Annual General Meeting


An Annual General Meeting (AGM) must be held once a year, within six months of the end of the financial year. This timeframe allows some flexibility, so choose a date that best suits your needs.


As per the Association's Constitution, written notice of the AGM must be given to all members at least 14 days in advance. This can be done via email or post.

Special Guests

Some brigades may wish to invite special guests or members of the public to promote the association and encourage new members. If you plan to do this, ensure it's approved by the committee and consider designating a specific guest speaker slot in the agenda.

The Role of the Meeting Chairperson

The meeting needs a chairperson to oversee proceedings. Their responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring proper notice was given and an agenda provided.

  • Checking (and usually signing) the minutes of previous meetings.

  • Keeping the meeting on track and managing time, which may involve limiting speaking durations.

  • Overseeing the order of business, facilitating discussions, and ensuring everyone gets a chance to speak.

  • Receiving motions, putting them to a vote, and declaring the results.

  • Making sure decisions are reached and understood by all members.

  • Closing the meeting.


As per the Association’s constitution, a minimum number of members, called a quorum, must be present at all times during the AGM, either physically or virtually. Proxy representatives formally nominated by absent members count towards the quorum. For an AGM, at least fifty percent of all voting members constitute a quorum.

If a quorum isn't present within 30 minutes of the start time, the meeting needs to consider options, such as reconvening on another date. If a quorum still isn't present after 30 minutes at the adjourned meeting, the meeting dissolves.


The agenda informs members about what will be discussed, allowing them to decide on attendance and proxy voting. Ideally the agenda should be available to members prior to the meeting.

Putting Forward and Voting on a Motion 

Proposing and passing a motion typically involves these steps:

  1. A member proposes a clear and concise suggestion for a decision or action to the meeting via the chairperson. This is called a motion.

  2. Another member "seconds" the motion for it to be considered. An unseconded motion fails.

  3. Members discuss the motion, speaking for or against it.

  4. The chairperson reads the motion aloud, and a vote is taken.

  5. If a majority of voting members approve, the motion becomes a resolution. A resolution passed by more than half the voting members is an ordinary resolution.

  6. The resolution, including the mover and seconder's names, is formally documented in the minutes.


Keeping accurate minutes of all association meetings is crucial. Minutes record attendance, decisions made, and resolutions passed.

Election of Officers

Voting for brigade officers usually occurs at the AGM. Please send an update of office bearers to the Association in a timely manner.

Where to find more information:

VounteerHub has a VFRS brigade model rules & admin guide which can assist with updating your brigade rules prior to the AGM if required.

This guide references information from Commerce WA and the VFRSA WA Constitution.



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